10 Best Paying Jobs in Electric Utility Central

10 Best Paying Jobs in Electric Utility Central

Avg. Salary: $100,500 to $143,500 per annum

Qualification: Bachelors in engineering

Power Plant Engineer

Nuclear Criticality Safety Engineer

Qualification: Engineering in Nuclear Safety

Salary (USD): $89,000 to $124,000 per annum

The job is to manage pipelines soc that the customers receive the right amount and flow of gas and energy

Avg. Salary: $77,000 to $120,000 per annum

Gas Controller

Radiation Engineer

The job is to conduct tests to analyze the effects of radiation in several different situations

Avg. Salary: $72,500-$118.500 per annum

Utility Manager

The job is to perform audits to manage that people receive the services at an affordable price.

Avg. Salary: $47,000-$115,000.500 per annum

Avg. Salary: $86,000-$115,000 per annum

Qualification: bachelor’s in electric engineering

Substation Engineer

Substation Operator

Qualification: A degree in energy plant technologies with one year of work experience

Avg. Salary: $30,500 to $96,500 per annum

Avg. Salary: $78,500-$100,000 per annum

The job is to develop and evaluate the transmission and energy generation systems for clients.

Transmission Engineer

Nuclear Licensing Engineer

Salary range: $76,000 to $145,500 per year.

The job is to offer regulatory assistance and licensing to energy facilities associated with the nuclear energy.

The job is to control and manage an effective distribution among customers as well as suppliers

Salary: $47,500 to $11,500 per annum

Power System Dispatcher